Save the date for PMDMC25 in Philadelphia, July 7-10.


Opportunities for assistance
Can’t swing the cost of attending the PMDMC? These scholarships can help!
PMDMC Scholarships


Opportunities for assistance
Can’t swing the cost of attending the PMDMC? These scholarships can help!
PMDMC Scholarships

Nate Shaw Memorial Scholarship

The Nate Shaw Memorial Scholarship is open to all young professionals working in public media as well as paid or unpaid interns.

Nate was a public media pioneer and the founding president of DEI, which became Greater Public in 2013. He was one of the first general managers in the public media system to harness the power of public participation and is considered one of the founding fathers of the “listener supported” model that we have today. Generous donations from Nate’s friends, family, and colleagues support this fund.

The Nate Shaw Memorial Scholarship will cover the conference registration, three nights in the conference hotel, and up to $500 in travel for one attendee at PMDMC24.

Michael Soper Memorial Scholarship

The Michael Soper Memorial Scholarship supports development staff or managers with 1-5 years of experience in public media.

Michael Soper is a former PBS senior executive who guided revenue development for public television. Soper worked for PBS from 1978 to 1992, where he helped develop on-air pledge drives and membership as a reliable source of income and rose to VP of Development. He spent two years at WETA and, in 1995 created his own consulting firm, TeamSoper, to help public media refine its fundraising strategies. . Generous donations from Michael’s friends and former colleagues support this fund.

The Michael Soper Memorial Scholarship will cover the conference registration, three nights in the conference hotel, and up to $500 in travel for two attendees at PMDMC24.

The LKA Fundraising & Communications Scholarship

The LKA Fundraising & Communications Scholarship is open to any development or marketing staff member at a public media station. The scholarship will cover one awardee’s conference registration fee. This scholarship does not cover travel or hotel expenses, which your station should cover for you.

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The deadline to apply for a PMDMC scholarship closed on May 3, 2024. Winners will be notified by May 15.

Help other colleagues attend PMDMC!

By donating to a PMDMC Scholarship fund, you will help a colleague come to PMDMC – where they will connect, learn and have some fun too.